Tuesday, January 28

Taking a Tumble

When a child is learning to walk, you won't ever hear anybody suggesting that this little creature has failed every time it takes a tumble to the floor. And yet, as adults, we are so hard on ourselves and forget that this is the way we learn. I am painfully aware of the scars on my own knees. Thousands of dollars have 'slipped' through my fingers and I have often been surprised that the people I have dealt with didn't have the same integrity that I do. Perhaps it is simply my nature because I haven't ever chastised myself or 'them'. I watch and I learn.

So anytime you endeavour to learn or do something new, it is unlikely that you will do it perfectly. You haven't done it before; how could you not trip over your own feet a few times? Get up off the floor and do it again. You deserve to receive some encouragement. Therefore be the first one to give it to yourself.

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Creating Abundance

"Abundance means different things to different people, and references love, finance and security and most of the things we believe we need in abundance to keep us happy in the games of reality. To feel love in your heart and to be able to give and get love, is abundance enough for many souls. Abundance can be financial, emotional, spiritual, and physical. Abundance is guided by the power of attraction, synchronicity and the power to manifest. You attract abundance based on what you think you deserve in life and lessons to be learned. If you are functional, you will attract abundance in a functional way. If you are dysfunctional, you will attract drama and may never figure out why, blaming the world for your losses."