Tuesday, October 15

To be a plant

I gratefully accepted a seat in the sun. Closing my eyes for a moment as the rays embraced my face through the large picture window, I heard myself say, "To be a plant". It came out like a sigh. "I ought to write a poem", I added. My verbalised thoughts were met with laughter. However, the way I was feeling, I could have even written a symphony.

There are such simple pleasures in life when we take the time to notice them. I recall observing our cat as it stretched out in the sun on the living room floor. Without a moment's hesitation, I went to lay beside it to find out what was going on down there. Such a blissful peace in the warmth of the sun. If anyone were to witness some of the silly things I do sometimes!

Anyway, for the first time, I was the plant. It lasted but a moment and I was completely present to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I often lay down beside my beautiful "Vanilla Kisses" in the sun,and wish life could always be so peaceful.I enjoy your thoughts...your neighbore,in Manitoba.

Creating Abundance

"Abundance means different things to different people, and references love, finance and security and most of the things we believe we need in abundance to keep us happy in the games of reality. To feel love in your heart and to be able to give and get love, is abundance enough for many souls. Abundance can be financial, emotional, spiritual, and physical. Abundance is guided by the power of attraction, synchronicity and the power to manifest. You attract abundance based on what you think you deserve in life and lessons to be learned. If you are functional, you will attract abundance in a functional way. If you are dysfunctional, you will attract drama and may never figure out why, blaming the world for your losses."