Tuesday, October 1

New food (to me)

My diet as a child was so limited. Even when our family lived on the African continent, we continued to eat the same things we always had. Mangoes, for example, fell to rot on the ground there were so many, and we didn't eat that fruit. I remain confused to this day that my mother did not introduce us to more variety. Maybe we tasted things and she couldn't get us to eat them again.

I have since learned to eat turnips, kolhrabi, beat leaves and different grains. I had parsnips for the first time a couple of years ago and now grow them in the garden. Recently I have started to make teas with leaves from the yard. Wow! So fresh, light and generally more alive than dead leaves in a bag. And this year, I am introduced to avocadoes and follow the lead of my daughter. I am finding all kinds of ways to eat them. This is too much fun. I will continue to be open to new possibilities.

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Creating Abundance

"Abundance means different things to different people, and references love, finance and security and most of the things we believe we need in abundance to keep us happy in the games of reality. To feel love in your heart and to be able to give and get love, is abundance enough for many souls. Abundance can be financial, emotional, spiritual, and physical. Abundance is guided by the power of attraction, synchronicity and the power to manifest. You attract abundance based on what you think you deserve in life and lessons to be learned. If you are functional, you will attract abundance in a functional way. If you are dysfunctional, you will attract drama and may never figure out why, blaming the world for your losses."