Thursday, August 15

Opportunity for a Lifetime Friend

Sometimes my daughter asks things of me and I could do it quite easily. However I am aware that if I do, that I would be taking away an opportunity for her to have an experience. Once she masters something then I happily do it for her on occasion even though she can do it for herself. This is one way I establish myself as her friend, by being friendly. More and more, she returns the favour. That is how one makes the transition from parent to lifelong best friends. People who watch us comment on our interaction and long for it in their own life. It is easy to replicate. Just copy the behaviors of a good example and enjoy the same abundance.

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Creating Abundance

"Abundance means different things to different people, and references love, finance and security and most of the things we believe we need in abundance to keep us happy in the games of reality. To feel love in your heart and to be able to give and get love, is abundance enough for many souls. Abundance can be financial, emotional, spiritual, and physical. Abundance is guided by the power of attraction, synchronicity and the power to manifest. You attract abundance based on what you think you deserve in life and lessons to be learned. If you are functional, you will attract abundance in a functional way. If you are dysfunctional, you will attract drama and may never figure out why, blaming the world for your losses."